Potty Training A Child with Down Syndrome
Potty Training Children with Down Syndrome One thing most parents find hard is potty training and training a child with...
Potty Training Children with Down Syndrome One thing most parents find hard is potty training and training a child with...
Myths are funny things. Sometimes, they are just a matter of simple repetition: you hear something enough times, and you think it’s true. Other times, they are a function of hope: you want to believe something is true, so you cling to anyone who agrees with you. With potty training, it’s a little of “column A” and a little of “column B.” There are many myths passed down by our friends, family, and community...and there’s quite a few that we fathers cling to because we’re terrified of potty training our kid! However, it’s time to rip the band-aid off and face reality. Here are four of the biggest potty training myths and the dirty truth behind them!
Potty training a child at home is already a tricky task. However, potty training a kid while they also spend a little (or maybe a lot) of time at daycare can be a nightmare. Fortunately, all it takes to keep the nightmare at bay is finding the right balance. Basically, you and the daycare teachers need to be on the same page, because potty training your child will be a group effort. Here are some handy tips for achieving the balance you need!