Potty Training Children with Autism
ABA therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) is viewed as one of the safest and effective therapies for children with an autism...
ABA therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) is viewed as one of the safest and effective therapies for children with an autism...
Potty training is intimidating to many fathers. After all, we’ve got garages full of tools for almost every problem, but we can’t just buy a toolbox for potty training. Of course, you know the guy code—if you can’t buy it, build it! And when it comes to your potty training toolbox, it all starts with learning some specific vocabulary. We know what you’re thinking: guys aren’t always known for our great communication skills. That’s why we’re giving you these four key phrases to memorize before you start potty training. You’ll find these particular tools help you take care of most potty training issues you encounter!
As my wife and I started to think about potty training, almost every online resource gave the same advice: wait for the child to tell you they are ready. This could be the child saying they no longer want to wear diapers, or a desire to use the toilet like mom and dad. While I have no doubt this is the best advice, my wife and I found ourselves in a slightly different situation. We had a deadline.