I often talk about motivation when helping kids (and parents) reach any milestone. What one thing is going to motivate a child to pursue and succeed at the next milestone? Often that’s the key to any new skill.
When it came time to potty training for us the key was Cotton Training Pants. If a child doesn’t feel that they are wet they are not motivated to learn the necessary techniques to avoid that discomfort. If life is going to stay the same for them a disposable diaper rather than Cotton Training Pants is going to pull the moisture away and they are going to feel that same as they always have, what’s the fuss? My favorite training pants to use are character ones! Kid's are motivated because their favorite star is on them so they don't wait to soil them.
These are the ones I used: Paw Patrol Training Pants
When you are ready to focus your energy on potty training and are prepared to be consistent, attentive and highly motivated introduce your child to cotton training pants. These training pants are just “double stuffed” underwear and can continue to be worn until a child grows out of them for those mad dashes to the restroom, long car rides or uncooperative belts or snaps.
Potty training is not be the scariest skill a parent needs to teach their child! Trust me, driving is the scariest thing you will ever teach your child!!
Enjoy the ride!