Potty Chairs vs Toilet Seats
To clarify, toilet trainer seats are the small seats you put on top of your toilet. Potty Chairs are the...
To clarify, toilet trainer seats are the small seats you put on top of your toilet. Potty Chairs are the...
A lot of men like to think of themselves as masters of all trades. When it comes to potty training, though, it's easy for us to get lost. That's when you need to seek out a higher power. No, we're not talking about God (though you may speak—or shout—to him a lot during the potty training process). We're talking about your wife. She's likely got a lot of family wisdom about potty training, and her maternal instincts give her an edge. If you want to master this skill, it's time to bow down to your sensei. Here are a few of your wife’s secrets that you can—and should—learn right away.
Sometimes children simply aren’t ready for potty training, no matter what tactics you try. This can be ridiculously frustrating, especially when other moms chime in on their successes while you struggle. But comparing your kid to everyone else’s won’t help, so don’t even start. Simply put, your child probably just isn’t ready. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But that doesn’t mean you have to completely put potty training on the back-burner. After all, toddlers aren’t ready to get their drivers’ license but they still play with toy cars.