Get Ready to Train!
Get ready to Train It all starts with changing the mindset. We can’t just tell children it's time to potty...
Potty training is challenging regardless of your toddler’s gender. That said, potty training boys is a bit different than potty training girls. While it is obvious that males and females use the bathroom differently, there are some other distinct potty training differences parents may run into when potty training boys versus girls.
If you’re a dad potty training your kid, then you’ve probably read a lot of literature about what products and supplies you’ll need. However, the best potty training toolbox is still incomplete because there are some things that no one ever told you to buy. These are the small items that do heavy lifting, and they range from making your kids feel more responsible to simply helping you get back to sleep quicker after your kid has an accident in the middle of the night. Keep reading to discover four potty training supplies no one warns you about!