Pull Ups®?
Pull-Ups, and where they fit into potty training. Many parents believe Pull-Ups or Easy Ups are a crucial step of...
Pull-Ups, and where they fit into potty training. Many parents believe Pull-Ups or Easy Ups are a crucial step of...
Every child is unique in the way they go about potty training. Some are more difficult to train than others, which is no fault of the parent. Although each child is different when it comes to learning how to use the toilet, parents tend to share the same roadblocks. Listed here are some of the most common concerns parents experience when potty training.
Like most parents, my wife and I have a complicated relationship with bribes. We want our children to listen to us when we tell them what to do. We are the parents. They are the children. We are in charge. But then there are times when we are tired or worn out, or just need a break from arguing, and we fall into the trap a lot of parents do: if you do what we say, we will give you something you want.